all this time we thought she was pregnant with another doggie's sperm...for a couple of months her tummy got bigger and bigger; that was, until a few days ago. We noticed that she was getting more inactive than usual and her tummy was too big to be pregnant.
We had her looked at and the stoooopid idiotic VET said she was okay and it would be a few weeks before she gave birth. Well, suffice it to say we are changing VETS coz that idiot obviously didn't even thoroughly eaxmine my dog.
Hey, that's one of her countless names....let's see, Gunther at 1st, the Pulot, then Pupu. But she seemed to respond to Hey more than any other name. She would always know what time i would arrive and be so happy when i got there, my brother really owns the dog but i was the one that really gave it love. i discovered she was surprisingly smart, does not bark at my friends, knows where to go everytime a strangers delivering something came in and never complained or whined.
i'll miss you HEY.