Monday, July 14, 2008

the Eraserheads reunite for one night


August 30, 2008

at the CCP

the Beijing Olympics

  • well, it seems to be in full swing. Seeing that the date is so near and so many people have invested so much into the games, it seems unfair to put a stop to it. But all things considered, people should not forget that China may view the Olympics differently from the rest of the world. It is possible that we view it as just the games in its old spirit and all that jazz...but to them, it could be a validation, that entire world is okay with what they are doing to Tibet and the other people they consider enemies of the state.
  • Be the change you want to see in the world.
  • Don't swept up with what the trend is, who is popular and and whether or not this person has been good in the past. Look at the facts, consider the state of affairs now and then judge. The Olympics must never be used like this again.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Wishing and regrets

these 2 things seem to go hand in hand, in love, in deicisions with work, what we buy and other stuff. For me it's regreting for not working hard enough to be able to see these people perform for one last time. there are people i still wish to see and can, but some of the greats are gone.

Lucianno Pavarotti
Marcel Marceau
George Carlin
Frank Sinatra
Bob Hope

some of the people i wanna see perform coz i can still see em (coz they're alive)

Robin Williams
the Corrs
Wanda Sykes
Lewis Black
Lily Tomlyn
Alana Davis
Beth Orton

Friday, July 4, 2008

my dog HEY

all this time we thought she was pregnant with another doggie's sperm...for a couple of months her tummy got bigger and bigger; that was, until a few days ago. We noticed that she was getting more inactive than usual and her tummy was too big to be pregnant.

We had her looked at and the stoooopid idiotic VET said she was okay and it would be a few weeks before she gave birth. Well, suffice it to say we are changing VETS coz that idiot obviously didn't even thoroughly eaxmine my dog.

Hey, that's one of her countless names....let's see, Gunther at 1st, the Pulot, then Pupu. But she seemed to respond to Hey more than any other name. She would always know what time i would arrive and be so happy when i got there, my brother really owns the dog but i was the one that really gave it love. i discovered she was surprisingly smart, does not bark at my friends, knows where to go everytime a strangers delivering something came in and never complained or whined.

i'll miss you HEY.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

OW! my aching back!

my weekend started like any other weekend. plopping on the bed after my duty hours were over. i was so poopped that i didn't even get a chance to do my usual routine of cleaning up just befire hitting the sack....the last thing i remember was my body surrendering to the soft and cushy goodness of my matress and my pillows....aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.....

a few hours later i woke up refreshed. i noticed that my right leg was dangling from the edge of the bed. i must've been that tired that i didn't even adjust the position when i dove into the bed.

As i got up, i felt great and peachy....that is, until i stood up....


.........stabbing pain from my lower back........


i was immobile the entire weekend....sigh. it's been 5 days since that crappy day. i'm getting better but still unable to walk properly from the muscle strain i experienced. I'll go see the doctor soon....I'll get to it eventually...

at least i can walk now

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

There's gotta be more to life...

  • Partying all night and sleeping all day has it's limits. when you see the same things, talk to the same people and talk about the same crap over and over about who did what to whom and where....sigh. I'm going stir crazy! It's time for a change of setting....when and how? NOW!
  • Have you ever had those spur of the moment outta town trips? No i'm not talking about that sudden urge to go to Tagaytay for a little mushroom burger or hang out and the Highlands.... you can do that anytime! What i'm talking about is coming off your shift from work and then falling asleep in the car and waking up to tigers and well-paved roads and trees! Yes, i went to Subic once on a whim, after getting convinced by a friend that it would be cool...and indeed it was. I would've never thought that would happen in a million years.
  • It's been a year since that happend and i want another trip outta town! The city is so sickening with all the stupid people living in it. Then there's the people who don't know how to live in the city and bring their bad and culturally different habits here, the result, a clash between real city folk and those who are city folk wanabees!
  • Sigh...
  • ...Sagada anyone?