Everyone, meet Joseph Candare.
Several months ago, this student in one of the premiere universities in the Philippines was reported to have brutally killed a kitten in front of the eyes of other college students. This started a wave of hatred toward this Physics major who, in the words of his other colleagues, would otherwise just be seen as one of the guys, but because of his misguided decision at that moment to stomp on the kitten with the full weight of his body, his world had changed forever. This discovery was made on an entry on his blog which eventually made the papers and even national news.
The incident prompted a wave of protests and charges being brought to him as a consequence of his stupidity. While his defenders adamantly say that the rest of the world is over-acting over an insignificant act, I say that he needs to pay for his crime.
This is the link to his entry on his blog: (click on the photo after loading to magnify)
And meet the kitten that he murdered:
This 'little boy' needs to pay for killing this innocent and defenseless kitten. He violated the law against cruelty to animals and the full weight of justice must be brought to bear to make this guy realize and serve time for what he thinks is not an important incident.