how do you know if you've reached a reality where you should be okay but then in the back of your mind you are still worried? Well, that's when you know you've reached your comfort zone. At least I feel that way. I am feel i am getting complacent and that i've done so much...when in fact when you look in, you haven't really done what ever list you had when you were in college. Like the things to achieve or to do before 30 or even death kinda list.
i need a change...i feel like i'm in a dead end job. I'm doing something about it...i've shopped around and found a possibly suitable job. They haven't called though. sigh.
I'm on my way to see the world soon, but i have to take it one step at a time. 1st new job, then get really good at it, SAVE, then see the world. if that don't work then i'll go be a gypsy in some other country.
I gotta get outta here...Sagada soon, then maybe Europe by the end of this year.
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